Old Coats

My coat is old. A $10.00 garage sale "find" from several years back.

Long and green, with fur around the collar, the quilted covering has kept me warm--served it's purpose--until a few days ago when the zipper broke. Now I clutch it closed with two hands, hold it around me while I brave the freezing Minnesota cold. And as fate would have it, soon after the zipper broke temperatures dove into the dangerous wind-chilling negatives.

Zipper or no zipper, I still like my coat and wear it. Because I'll never forget the garage sale where it was bought. The season was fall, and I had $60.00 in my pocket. There was nothing "wearable" in my closet, and so I had asked God to make my money stretch. I needed an entire winter wardrobe. (With a $60.00 budget, even bargain-predictable Kohl's was out of the question.)

At this sale, there were tables and tables of clothes that just happened to be my exact size. To fully appreciate this as miracle, you must understand that in my area most sales boast clothes that are Supermodel-sized. (And yes, the women running these garage sales are well-put-together moms whom--even after having seven kids--can still wear the sickeningly skinny sizes)

And so it seemed truly spectacular when I stumbled across a sale where there was an entire table of size 12 Eddie Bauer jeans. I bought five pairs. There were also racks and racks of sweaters. Adorable. Things I'd actually wear.

And then there was the coat.

My sister, Sue, was the first to see it and grab it off the rack. (Which told me instantly that this was no ugly, 80's style coat). "Cute" she said, studying it for rips or stains or anything that would deem it "unworthy."

"Yeah, that's soooo cute!" I said, holding my breath and praying that somehow she'd put it back. I was so excited when she finally read the tag and handed the coat over. Sue's a tiny size 2 (no exaggeration). And the coat was an extra-large. Yes! God's provisions for me are perfectly sized!

Now that I've worn the coat out, I've been thinking about that garage sale, wondering anew about the Lord's provisions. The season in my life is changing. And I know it's time for me to let go of what's old, asking, hoping, and trusting again for something new.

How long will I hug my problems and concerns around me like an old coat, instead of acknowledging God's provisions as a much better covering?


    On January 19, 2008 at 5:41 PM Anonymous said...


    Bold carnation RED, cardinal's wing
    ORANGE as new as sunrise promise
    Sandy, sparkling trumpet GOLD
    EMERALD of ocean, gem & your eyes
    Robin's egg BLUE & the best sky

    In God's Love Coat you're striped

    On January 23, 2008 at 7:40 AM Anonymous said...

    The first thing I always see when I enter your blog is your lovely, smiling, glowing face! That is who you are...a breath of heaven...steadfast and true!

    julie mac


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