More on Limitations

In my post, Osteoporosis of a Spiritual Kind, I commented on how contrary to society's beliefs about achieving perfection and power, we are created with limitations. And when we try to be more than we were created to be, we actually become less. We expand and grow and live in the light when we can learn to accept and honor weakness. Our struggles and problems and pains are not a crippling illiness, but rather part of the beauty of being human. . . .

In light of those thoughts, I loved receiving the following quote and message from Charity Focus today:

We need limitations and temptations to open our inner selves, dispel our ignorance, tear off disguises, throw down old idols, and destroy false standards. Only by such rude awakenings can we be led to dwell in a place where we are less cramped, less hindered by the ever-insistent External. Only then do we discover a new capacity and appreciation of goodness and beauty and truth. --Helen Keller

Inspiration of the Day:

15-year-old Estar Hester has chronic lung disease, scoliosis, an immune system problem -- and an indomitable spirit. Written over a period of four years, her first published work, "Tomorrow Will Be a Better Day -- Lessons from a Wish Child" was recently released in e-book form. Its purpose? "My book is mainly to inform people on how to deal with problems that are ahead of them" Hester said. An excerpt from her book reads as follows: "When things are wrong and we are hurting, it is not the end of the world. Our hearts might hurt like the world is over but really those times are beginnings not endings. It is doors closing and new doors opening, often to nicer, happier places." [ more ]

There are so few people willing to mentor others on living with suffering and struggles. We just don't hear enough from people with a strong spiritual center and message! How appropriate and beautiful that in this case the message comes from a child. Click on "more" to read the article on Estar Hester. And if her book intrigues you at all, won't you support this budding author by buying one of her books?


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