Pivotal Prayers

Tomorrow we head to court to petition for bankruptcy. I'm edgy and nervous, wanting to have all important papers in order, our ducks in a row. I want to be ready, prepared, in control. But, once again I'm reminded. . .control is mere illusion.

Ryker's sickness has flared again. He's got another fever. His fever from last week disappeared the day before his birthday--probably because so many were praying for him. And now it has reappeared along with agonizing ear pain that kept him up last night. Tonight, as I put the kids to bed, Jennifer announced that she, too, has a fever. It's starting to feel a bit unreal--how persistently sick my children have been!

We have lined up friends to watch the kids after school so we can make our 2:30 hearing. But all this newest sick-stuff makes me feel like I've got a bunch of wild rattlesnakes in my basement. Is it asking too much to leave fever-ridden kids with friends? All I can do is wait until morning, see what happens, and hope solid answers appear. But I can't help turning the possibilties over and over in my mind. Would it be horrible to drag sick kids into a courtroom? We'll probably have to take Ryker to the doctor. . . again. . . mere hours before we're due in court.

I feel so vulnerable. Dependent on God's mercy.

Lord, please show us your mercy. We don't know what to do. . .


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