The Fragrance of Giving

The fragrance always remains on the hand that gives the rose. --Mahatma Gandhi

I received another Charity Focus quote/article worth passing on! It's about an 85 year old retiree known in Lake Placid, Florida as "The Rose Man." His real name is Willard Campbell and he's an avid gardner who brings his excess roses to businesses around town, and to anyone that needs a smile on their face. This local superhero was featured on the CBS news, and was quoted saying, "The idea hit me--Well, if I've got excess roses, why don't I take 'em and give 'em to patients in the hospital?" He spends 10 hours a day driving around, delivering his fragrant gifts, and guesstimates that he delivers more than 25,000 in a year. The most inspiring part of the article was this line:

"No one is immune to his generosity — no one, not even the florist."

Willard reminds me of 2 Corinthians 2:15 "As far as God is concerned there is a sweet, wholesome fragrance in our lives. It is the fragrance of Christ within us, an aroma to. . .all around us."

To see a video of Willard, and his sweet wife Opal (who supports him despite all the women who say they get more roses from Willard than they do their own husbands--she's adorable), click on the following link and scroll to the right side bar:


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