Introducing the Word Girls Writing Studio
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This summer, my dear friend Sally Miller (my co-author and author of Girl Talk. . .God Talk) and I launched The Word Girls Writing Studio. Our online Writing Studio is a place where writers at any step on their writing journey - from idea to publication - can come for help, encouragement, advice, mentoring and editing services.
It's our passion to help writers in the same way that "writers in the know" helped us on the journey of getting our own ideas into print. If you're looking for inspiration, professional advice, editing services, chapter by chapter coaching, or help with the
ins-and-outs of publishing (like writing queries and book proposals), we invite you to take a seat on our cyber red couch for the friendly, experienced mentoring you need for success!

Writing tips, quotes and other writing encouragement can also be found on Word Girls blog, Come visit us, and let us know you stopped by!