The Meaning of It All

After all these years, the thrill of watching a caterpillar transform is not lost to me.

The caterpillars are harder to find this year, so the Monarch population must be down. But after days and days of scouring milkweed at a nearby pond, I finally found one. The amazing thing is that 3 days after bringing it home and setting the leafy milkweed in a jar, the caterpillar formed its chrysallis. And yesterday our new butterfly was born!

We named her JOY!

The whole process. . .

the "find"
the growing/eating/pooping phase
the 'J' (when the caterpillar hangs upside down and starts to weave it's cocoon)
the waiting (when the caterpillar is hidden/changing/transforming)
and the butterfly's "birth"

. . .carries meaning. Every year, and with each new caterpillar, the timing of each phase seems to bear for me a personal message.

This year, I found the caterpillar during the same week I discovered two new job opportunities. One is teaching Creative Writing at a local studio. The other is teaching Acting to high-school students at a professional theater.

My heart was pounding when I watched the butterfly emerge from its chrysallis on the day of my first interview!

As we were celebrating butterfly's birth--taking pictures and watching it pump fluid through delicate wings, readying itself for flight--my son, Ryker, spotted another teensy-weensy caterpillar on the first butterfly's now-completely-dead milkweed leaves. And it struck me that. . .miracles cycle. The cycle of life is a miracle, yes, but miracles cycle, too. They appear as tiny as can be, grow and evolve, and transform US, leaving the possibility of NEW miracles in their wake.

I don't think I'll ever get bored on the Monarch's journey!

(right) See the transparent, empty "chrysallis tomb" just below the butterfly!?

(left) Fresh milkweed for centimeter-long baby!


    On July 15, 2009 at 1:08 PM Kaydi Johnson said...

    I hope you get these jobs. They seem perfect for you.


    How did the interview go? Keep us posted!

    On July 20, 2009 at 1:22 PM Anonymous said...


    Waiting, wanting
    little egg dotting


    Resting, grubbing
    Milkweed loving

    Crawling, crunching
    caterpillar munching


    Sleeping still
    cocooning will


    When one wet wing

    Gently emerges
    waving, resurges

    Fluttering, drying
    Now, look . . .


    Blessings on you and these job opportunities, my dear friend!




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