Blessed and Broken
Saturday, June 27, 2009

For my birthday, one of my friends gave me Nicole C. Mullen's newest C.D. "A Dream to Believe In." My favorite track is a soulful, almost sad song titled "Blessed and Broken" based on the Loaves and Fishes Bible story.
Blessed and Broken
by Nicole C. Mullen
Spoken: I dream of being a doctor.
I dream of being a pilot.
I dream of being a soccer player.
I dream of being a basketball player.
I dream of being a pastor.
I dream of being a race car driver.
I dream of becoming a teacher.
Sung: His momma said here's
Fish and bread there's
just enough to get you by.
It's not a lot, but
it's all that we've got
Then a tear came to her eye.
And she took it,
blessed it,
as she looked up to the sky.
She said, "Take it
Share it,
I pray it will be multiplied"
It was so little.
There were so many
to feed them all would take so much.
But He didn't laugh when
the boy gave Him
What He knew was not enough
So Jesus took it and
blessed it
And all the love that filled His eyes
When He held it and
broke it
'Cause only then it multiplied
So I said "Take it,
bless it,
hold it,
break it"
Messed up and wounded
Undone and yielded
I offer up this sacrifice
It's not a lot but
It's all I've got
What can You do with such a life?
Then Jesus took it and
blessed it
And all the love that filled His eyes
When He held it and
broke it
'Cause only then I multiplied
See Jesus took me and
blessed me
And all the love that filled His eyes
When He held me and
broke me
'Cause only then I multiplied
So I say change me and
please bless me
Lord please hold me and
please break me
I know You'll take me
and I'm asking You to bless me
And Lord please hold me
and I know You're gonna,
You're gonna break me
And I'll multiply I'll multiply (x4)
You can listen to the song at:
If anyone knows where I might find a video to share, let me know!!!!
After writing about the "squirrels" in my garden, difficult economic times (see previous post)--and thinking about friends and family members who are struggling, broken really, by cancer, death, divorce, depression--I've been playing the song as a meditation.
It's comforting.
It speaks to me on so many levels.
To open the song with voices of children articulating their dreams, and to then move into a story of brokeness is striking. Immediately I understand the tension, the heavy heartache. I identify with the Mom in the story who packs up "all she's got" for her son, sad she can't offer more. And I admire the son in the story who, in turn, gives away what he's been given when Jesus asks for food to feed the hungry crowds. Especially (and I think most importantly) when the little boy knows it's "not enough."
Because ultimately the story is about what Jesus will do with our cracked, spilled-out emptiness. Until we experience it for ourselves, the miracle's almost beyond belief.
Blessed and Broken
by Nicole C. Mullen
Spoken: I dream of being a doctor.
I dream of being a pilot.
I dream of being a soccer player.
I dream of being a basketball player.
I dream of being a pastor.
I dream of being a race car driver.
I dream of becoming a teacher.
Sung: His momma said here's
Fish and bread there's
just enough to get you by.
It's not a lot, but
it's all that we've got
Then a tear came to her eye.
And she took it,
blessed it,
as she looked up to the sky.
She said, "Take it
Share it,
I pray it will be multiplied"
It was so little.
There were so many
to feed them all would take so much.
But He didn't laugh when
the boy gave Him
What He knew was not enough
So Jesus took it and
blessed it
And all the love that filled His eyes
When He held it and
broke it
'Cause only then it multiplied
So I said "Take it,
bless it,
hold it,
break it"
Messed up and wounded
Undone and yielded
I offer up this sacrifice
It's not a lot but
It's all I've got
What can You do with such a life?
Then Jesus took it and
blessed it
And all the love that filled His eyes
When He held it and
broke it
'Cause only then I multiplied
See Jesus took me and
blessed me
And all the love that filled His eyes
When He held me and
broke me
'Cause only then I multiplied
So I say change me and
please bless me
Lord please hold me and
please break me
I know You'll take me
and I'm asking You to bless me
And Lord please hold me
and I know You're gonna,
You're gonna break me
And I'll multiply I'll multiply (x4)
You can listen to the song at:
If anyone knows where I might find a video to share, let me know!!!!