Grace Traits: Follow up to Embrace Your Grace

So, after a difficult few days with my son, I finally wrote my Grace-Traits. Being creative helps me to sit still with the mess. . . . (see previous post for details):

Cheri's Grace-Traits:

I want to solve the world's puzzles, or at least die trying. . .

I want to eat all the ice cream in the world without worrying about weight. . .

I want to be whole--2 feet on the ground, and I also want to be holy--heart on course with eternity. I don't think I can be one without the other. . .

I want to love my kids in a way that helps them know for sure. . .

I want to be a giving, loving, good wife. . .

I want to be better at receiving, and opening my heart to True Love. . .

I want to give myself permission to embrace the fairytale. . .

I want to forgive. . .

I want to trust myself. . .

I want to live with integrity--what's on the inside reflected on the outside. . .

I want to quit looking for the stoneless road and celebrate, party, laugh, live a life of joy, right in the midst of heartache and pain.

I want to see "40" as a chance to live what I've learned. . .

I want to be dramatic, passionate, creative and bold without apology. . .

I want to find more adventures. . .

I want people to know how amazing they are, even in all their inconsistencies, and complexities and deep-seated insecurities. . .

I want to be amazing too. . .

Embrace your Grace.

What's on your Grace-Trait list?


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