Monday, July 14, 2008
Things have changed so much for us now, Cocooning almost doesn't feel like an appropriate title for my blog any longer. Maybe butterfly-ing? I'll have to think about that one. . . .
We're finally settled into our new house! The extra space is such a blessing. I'm definitely cleaning more. And it's harder to keep an auditory rein on my youngest son. But, I'll gladly accept those two inconveniences in lieu of tight quarters. (I wish I could attach pictures of our new place, but the camera isn't cooperating with downloads.)
Before we moved, I mentioned that we had found a monarch caterpillar to midwife. The day we hauled all our stuff across the yard (including the stalk of milkweed with our little miracle on it) the caterpillar gripped a leaf and hung upside down in a 'J,' "dying" to life as she once knew it. It was so sad, watching her hang there. . . alone, unmoving. Within another day, she was fully wrapped in a beautiful green chrysallis with tiny gold flecks.
Then, we discovered a second caterpillar crawling on the same leaf. How amazing! There must have been an egg on the milkweed, invisible to the naked eye. Another week and we had TWO chrysallis. A trip to the pond a few days later (to find a caterpillar for Jennifer's friend) and we couldn't resist adopting ONE MORE fully grown caterpillar for ourselves.
We've never experienced three chrysallis at one time! During that week my thoughts turned often to Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
I also prayed and pondered a verse God gave related to our move:
Matthew 9:17 "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."
With this timely word, I felt strongly that Abba Father was challenging me to fill the new wineskin of changed circumstances/second chances with HOPE and TRUST. To face worries and fears with utmost confidence in My Provider. To fill our new home with HIS perfect FRUIT.
They say that moving, next to losing a loved one, is one of the highest stress-inducers. We still have unpacked boxes in the garage. Pictures are not hung. Curtains need to be made. Weeds are overtaking the gardens. Cars are giving us problems. And there's the worry of adjusting to our new budget when simultaneously the dinner theater is cutting hours.
I just keep singing, "Jehovah Jirah, My Provider, His grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me."
All the butterflies were born this week. We named them Hope, Zing, and Grace. Each one--with fresh wet wings--wobbled with first flight. But eventually, with the fullness of orange and black glory, they ascended into a sun-filled sky.
"Jehovah Jirah, My Provider, His grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me. Jehovah Jirah, My Provider, His grace is sufficient for me. My God shall supply all my needs. According to his riches in glory. He will give his angels charge over me. Jehovah Jirah cares for me, for me, for me. Jehovah Jirah cares for me!"
We're finally settled into our new house! The extra space is such a blessing. I'm definitely cleaning more. And it's harder to keep an auditory rein on my youngest son. But, I'll gladly accept those two inconveniences in lieu of tight quarters. (I wish I could attach pictures of our new place, but the camera isn't cooperating with downloads.)
Before we moved, I mentioned that we had found a monarch caterpillar to midwife. The day we hauled all our stuff across the yard (including the stalk of milkweed with our little miracle on it) the caterpillar gripped a leaf and hung upside down in a 'J,' "dying" to life as she once knew it. It was so sad, watching her hang there. . . alone, unmoving. Within another day, she was fully wrapped in a beautiful green chrysallis with tiny gold flecks.
Then, we discovered a second caterpillar crawling on the same leaf. How amazing! There must have been an egg on the milkweed, invisible to the naked eye. Another week and we had TWO chrysallis. A trip to the pond a few days later (to find a caterpillar for Jennifer's friend) and we couldn't resist adopting ONE MORE fully grown caterpillar for ourselves.
We've never experienced three chrysallis at one time! During that week my thoughts turned often to Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
I also prayed and pondered a verse God gave related to our move:
Matthew 9:17 "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."
With this timely word, I felt strongly that Abba Father was challenging me to fill the new wineskin of changed circumstances/second chances with HOPE and TRUST. To face worries and fears with utmost confidence in My Provider. To fill our new home with HIS perfect FRUIT.
They say that moving, next to losing a loved one, is one of the highest stress-inducers. We still have unpacked boxes in the garage. Pictures are not hung. Curtains need to be made. Weeds are overtaking the gardens. Cars are giving us problems. And there's the worry of adjusting to our new budget when simultaneously the dinner theater is cutting hours.
I just keep singing, "Jehovah Jirah, My Provider, His grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me."
All the butterflies were born this week. We named them Hope, Zing, and Grace. Each one--with fresh wet wings--wobbled with first flight. But eventually, with the fullness of orange and black glory, they ascended into a sun-filled sky.
"Jehovah Jirah, My Provider, His grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me. Jehovah Jirah, My Provider, His grace is sufficient for me. My God shall supply all my needs. According to his riches in glory. He will give his angels charge over me. Jehovah Jirah cares for me, for me, for me. Jehovah Jirah cares for me!"