Doing a Five Finger Wave--Count Them!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Since writing my last post, Turning Tide Open Hands, the image of an OPEN HAND has continued to present itself, nudging my spirit like a reocurring dream.
If there's one thing I've "learned" over the past few years, it's to live generously, as if nothing is my own. When you have nothing, and your dreams are so far from reach, somehow it's easier to do. Because there's nothing to "protect." Which for me broke down walls and provided a real sense of wanting to help my neighbor. Because helping someone else felt like the best way to help myself. Living the golden rule in the midst of poverty felt like feasting on grace.
And now, as we're beginning to taste the goodness of the Lord in a new way. . .with realized dreams of a larger home. . . I find myself full of fear (or maybe it's simply old habits). I want to clamp down on our finances. Hold tight. Clench my fists and hold my breath. The dream of decorating a home with colors that appeal, and the hope of buying "new" furniture (garage-sale finds, but new to us) are not, I realize, important matters in the grand scheme of things. But if I'm honest, I spend a lot of time thinking about paint, and chairs, and coffee tables. Can I trust God to protect my dreams? I believe God will help us paint and refurnish in a way that will be a testimony to His grace.
I believe. . .but do my clenched fists tell a different story?
I was at a women's event the other night where I had the opportunity to watch Vanessa Gamble perform in a sketch called "The Bigger Picture." This profound one-woman show was full of stories and songs that were soul-stirring. God's Spirit moved through Vanessa in a way that filled the room with gentle conviction. Our collective clenched-fists began to relax as God whispered reminders: The Big Picture isn't about "bigger and better" or "more, more, more." Life is about living with open hands.
Open hands.
That very evening, I turned my back on an opportunity to give money to Myanmar.
I struggled and prayed, because for the first time in 5+ years, I've managed to save a small nugget of money. I've wanted to use it on my new house, but I heard the Lord saying, "Open your hands, Cheri." I felt the grip relax, only to clench tight again when fear continued to say, "Keep the money for yourself. It's not a lot. You need it. You're just being wise. How will you afford to paint and furnish if you don't hunker down and save?"
Lord help me. Everything is a gift from you. You gave me the money in the first place, so please tell me what to do with it.
Last night, watching American Idol, George Michael sang a song called "Praying for Time." I broke down and wept with remorse and regret. Not only for my choices, but for the ways ALL of us have erred on the side of clenched fists. The first line: "These are the days of the open hand."
Praying for Time
These are the days of the open hand
They will not be the last
Look around now
These are the days of the beggars
And the choosers
This is the year of the hungry man
Whose place is in the past
Hand in hand with ignorance
And legitimate excuses
The rich declare themselves poor
And most of us are not sure
If we have too much
But we'll take our chances
Because God stopped keeping score
I guess somewhere along the way
He must have let us all out to play
Turned his back and all gods children
Crept out the back door
And its hard to love,
Theres so much to hate
Hanging on to hope
When there is no hope to speak of
And the wounded skies above
Say its much too late
Well maybe we should all be
Praying for time
These are the days of the empty hand
Oh you hold on to what you can
And charity is a coat you wear
Twice a year
This is the year of the guilty man
Your television takes a stand
And you find that what was over there
Is over here
So you scream from behind your door
Say whats mine is mine and not yours
I may have too much
But Ill take my chances
Because God stopped keeping score
And you cling to the things
They sold you
Did you cover your eyes when
They told you
That he can't come back
Because he has no children
To come back for
Repeat Chorus
Lord, I often regard TIME as a confounder of my own plans, a frustrating limitation. But now I see TIME as GRACE. I don't believe you turn your back on us. So, thank you for the gift of time, time for you to change our hearts and minds. Open our hearts, that our hands might open too!
To check out George Michael's American Idol performance, click here:
If there's one thing I've "learned" over the past few years, it's to live generously, as if nothing is my own. When you have nothing, and your dreams are so far from reach, somehow it's easier to do. Because there's nothing to "protect." Which for me broke down walls and provided a real sense of wanting to help my neighbor. Because helping someone else felt like the best way to help myself. Living the golden rule in the midst of poverty felt like feasting on grace.
And now, as we're beginning to taste the goodness of the Lord in a new way. . .with realized dreams of a larger home. . . I find myself full of fear (or maybe it's simply old habits). I want to clamp down on our finances. Hold tight. Clench my fists and hold my breath. The dream of decorating a home with colors that appeal, and the hope of buying "new" furniture (garage-sale finds, but new to us) are not, I realize, important matters in the grand scheme of things. But if I'm honest, I spend a lot of time thinking about paint, and chairs, and coffee tables. Can I trust God to protect my dreams? I believe God will help us paint and refurnish in a way that will be a testimony to His grace.
I believe. . .but do my clenched fists tell a different story?
I was at a women's event the other night where I had the opportunity to watch Vanessa Gamble perform in a sketch called "The Bigger Picture." This profound one-woman show was full of stories and songs that were soul-stirring. God's Spirit moved through Vanessa in a way that filled the room with gentle conviction. Our collective clenched-fists began to relax as God whispered reminders: The Big Picture isn't about "bigger and better" or "more, more, more." Life is about living with open hands.
Open hands.
That very evening, I turned my back on an opportunity to give money to Myanmar.
I struggled and prayed, because for the first time in 5+ years, I've managed to save a small nugget of money. I've wanted to use it on my new house, but I heard the Lord saying, "Open your hands, Cheri." I felt the grip relax, only to clench tight again when fear continued to say, "Keep the money for yourself. It's not a lot. You need it. You're just being wise. How will you afford to paint and furnish if you don't hunker down and save?"
Lord help me. Everything is a gift from you. You gave me the money in the first place, so please tell me what to do with it.
Last night, watching American Idol, George Michael sang a song called "Praying for Time." I broke down and wept with remorse and regret. Not only for my choices, but for the ways ALL of us have erred on the side of clenched fists. The first line: "These are the days of the open hand."
Praying for Time
These are the days of the open hand
They will not be the last
Look around now
These are the days of the beggars
And the choosers
This is the year of the hungry man
Whose place is in the past
Hand in hand with ignorance
And legitimate excuses
The rich declare themselves poor
And most of us are not sure
If we have too much
But we'll take our chances
Because God stopped keeping score
I guess somewhere along the way
He must have let us all out to play
Turned his back and all gods children
Crept out the back door
And its hard to love,
Theres so much to hate
Hanging on to hope
When there is no hope to speak of
And the wounded skies above
Say its much too late
Well maybe we should all be
Praying for time
These are the days of the empty hand
Oh you hold on to what you can
And charity is a coat you wear
Twice a year
This is the year of the guilty man
Your television takes a stand
And you find that what was over there
Is over here
So you scream from behind your door
Say whats mine is mine and not yours
I may have too much
But Ill take my chances
Because God stopped keeping score
And you cling to the things
They sold you
Did you cover your eyes when
They told you
That he can't come back
Because he has no children
To come back for
Repeat Chorus
Lord, I often regard TIME as a confounder of my own plans, a frustrating limitation. But now I see TIME as GRACE. I don't believe you turn your back on us. So, thank you for the gift of time, time for you to change our hearts and minds. Open our hearts, that our hands might open too!
To check out George Michael's American Idol performance, click here:
WOW! It is so easy and natural to choose not to be open. My common response is "talk to the hand."
The song by George Michael was incredible! And I love the title of your entry...I'm doing the wave with you.
Blessings on the new house. Have a wonderful time dreaming and desiring the new colors and furniture for the space.
julie mac