Come to the Table
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It's been awhile since I've written. . . I've been swimming in a sea of creativity with about 48 drama-driven kids!

Every year, during the season of Lent, I write and direct a play for the 3rd- 5th graders at my church. For the past five weeks, this group of kids has been memorizing lines, painting set pieces, hunting for props and costumes, creating invitations, practicing dance moves--laughing and learning through the gift of "play."
The drama we are performing is a modern day version of The Parable of the Great Banquet, found in both Luke and Matthew. Tonight is our dress rehearsal, and tomorrow we share our story with an audience during a
Maundy Thursday service!
Please pray for me, but especially the kids (for health, protection, and a deep, meaningful connection to the story) as we practice and pull together all of
the final details!
My 9 year old, Jennifer, is part of the play, too! She's having a blast! The other day she said, "Mom, I'm sooooo glad you're the director."
Could I feel more blessed? It's been an incredible journey. . .

Every year, during the season of Lent, I write and direct a play for the 3rd- 5th graders at my church. For the past five weeks, this group of kids has been memorizing lines, painting set pieces, hunting for props and costumes, creating invitations, practicing dance moves--laughing and learning through the gift of "play."
The drama we are performing is a modern day version of The Parable of the Great Banquet, found in both Luke and Matthew. Tonight is our dress rehearsal, and tomorrow we share our story with an audience during a
Please pray for me, but especially the kids (for health, protection, and a deep, meaningful connection to the story) as we practice and pull together all of
My 9 year old, Jennifer, is part of the play, too! She's having a blast! The other day she said, "Mom, I'm sooooo glad you're the director."
Could I feel more blessed? It's been an incredible journey. . .
How exciting! What a wonderful gift those kids have in you being the director. May the Lord give peace to you and all the kids through memory, movement, dialogue and interaction with the audience. May the hearers taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
love, julie mac
Blessings, blessings, blessings on the fruit of your labor.
May the Lord be palpably present to you, the kids, the congregants, and especially to Jen on this day.
Joy of the Lord to you,
One none of you will soon forget!
God is faithful in all of the details (even those as small as a battery)!
JEN LOOKS SOOOO OLD AND MATURE IN THE PICTURE. Congratulations to her for Coming to the Table!
And, Congrats to you for writing and directing another drama, Cher!
Lots o' love,