A Love Letter
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Last winter I was studying John 14 as part of my biblestudy's group homework. I found the passage hard to absorb, appreciate, assimilate into my life. So, I tried to process what Jesus was saying by re-writing it line by line in the form of a letter.
Then, I tucked it away in my notebook. Today, almost six months later, I found it. And it was exactly what I needed to hear. Funny how that works, huh?
I took minor liberties with the language, but I believe the message is in tact, true. Have you been needing a love letter from Jesus? May his words wash over you with healing and grace. . .
A letter from Jesus based on John 14: 15-26
Dear Child of Mine,
I know there are days when you wish I could be physically present with you to whisper words of comfort, hold your hand, or simply show you my love through a smile. I am writing now to help you understand why I had to go.
When I left this earth to return to the Father, I did it so that I could give you an even greater gift: a perfect companion -- the Holy Spirit. I gave her to you so that the Father and I can make a forever home with you. Through Spirit, the Father and I live inside of you. And because we live inside of you, you'll never have to live outside of Love.
Dear one, when you are feeling abandoned and afraid, remember that I'd never leave you as an orphan. You and I and the Father are deeply connected. Even though it feels like we are hidden, we are always showing ourselves to you. Look for Father in the details of you day. See him in the lives of those who follow me. Listen to Spirit who resides in your deepest parts. She'll remind you of everything I have taught you about truth, hope, and most of all. . .LOVE.
Don't be afraid, my child. Whatever happens in this world, don't let it trouble your heart. I'm always with you, and I'm always giving you my peace.
Don't you see? Not only am I in you, but you are in me. Which means that when I returned to the Father, I carried your life to someone greater than me. Since we are together in the Father now, amazing things can happen -- even more than if I'd remained as flesh and blood. Loved one, please believe what I'm saying: by taking my rightful place with the Father, you'll be able to do and see and experience even greater things than when I walked the earth with you. Trust me. Ask anything in my name, and I will do it!
Yours always and forever,
P.S. These words are not my own. They were given to me by the Father who loves you as I do! He wanted you to know that you're never alone.
Then, I tucked it away in my notebook. Today, almost six months later, I found it. And it was exactly what I needed to hear. Funny how that works, huh?
I took minor liberties with the language, but I believe the message is in tact, true. Have you been needing a love letter from Jesus? May his words wash over you with healing and grace. . .
A letter from Jesus based on John 14: 15-26
Dear Child of Mine,
I know there are days when you wish I could be physically present with you to whisper words of comfort, hold your hand, or simply show you my love through a smile. I am writing now to help you understand why I had to go.
When I left this earth to return to the Father, I did it so that I could give you an even greater gift: a perfect companion -- the Holy Spirit. I gave her to you so that the Father and I can make a forever home with you. Through Spirit, the Father and I live inside of you. And because we live inside of you, you'll never have to live outside of Love.
Dear one, when you are feeling abandoned and afraid, remember that I'd never leave you as an orphan. You and I and the Father are deeply connected. Even though it feels like we are hidden, we are always showing ourselves to you. Look for Father in the details of you day. See him in the lives of those who follow me. Listen to Spirit who resides in your deepest parts. She'll remind you of everything I have taught you about truth, hope, and most of all. . .LOVE.
Don't be afraid, my child. Whatever happens in this world, don't let it trouble your heart. I'm always with you, and I'm always giving you my peace.
Don't you see? Not only am I in you, but you are in me. Which means that when I returned to the Father, I carried your life to someone greater than me. Since we are together in the Father now, amazing things can happen -- even more than if I'd remained as flesh and blood. Loved one, please believe what I'm saying: by taking my rightful place with the Father, you'll be able to do and see and experience even greater things than when I walked the earth with you. Trust me. Ask anything in my name, and I will do it!
Yours always and forever,
P.S. These words are not my own. They were given to me by the Father who loves you as I do! He wanted you to know that you're never alone.