Summit Self: A Poem-Gift

Today, I received a poem from one of my passionate, soul-searching, midlife-loving sisters: Sally.

As a writer. . .she often describes the condition of my soul in a way that surprises me.

As a friend. . .she carries me to the Throne of Grace with prayers I am too "blurred in blue" to say.

Because I have a friend that is a writer, and a writer that is a friend, I am doubly blessed.

Summit Self
a poem for Cheri winter ‘o9

She will climb a mountain
if you tell her which one

Or swim upstream
against tides of White Ruffians
if you take her to the River

She is transparent, bursting,
jammed with wisdom born from
years of surrender and wiping
Emergence is near

Like a mountaineer at the zenith
piercing flag into jagged peak
She’s ready to reclaim Herself
The stake: more about Call than Career
Moment than Momentum

For today, she seeks and asks and waits

You are silent.
Come on! Speak!
Aren’t you Word, anyway?!

She listens, blurring blue another day
Can’t you utter a solitary sound?
Or – at least – take her

Take her to the River
dunk her Summit Self down
deep and when she emerges

Smile a resonant Yes!
on her beauty and gifts and age

Wow! I read and re-read with a lump in my throat, because this is exactly how I feel!

Irreplaceable Friend, thank you for this timely poem. And for believing I can climb mountains and swim upstream. I needed a "knowing" prayer today.

The Lulls of Life

It's winter, and we've hit "sick" season at our house. Within the last week, all three kids have come down with the flu. Which means I've been holding a lot of barf-bowls and washing my hands religiously. It's a privilege to care for my children and their needs, so I'm not complaining. But I'll admit it's hard to stare at the same four walls, day-after-day. Minnesota temperatures have been less than friendly. And on top of feeling quarantined for both weather and health reasons, the economy has forced my employer to be stingy with shifts (in an effort to save our jobs).

Needless to say, I'm feeling the lull of winter like never before.

Thinking about "lulls"--pockets of inactivity--and how we survive (or celebrate) them, has me thinking about one of Sally's poems from our book, Walk With Me.

Sacrament of Friendship

My editor-muse teaches
Life as sacrament
Calling during lulls
In motherhood's deaths and births

A writer-friend of grace and healing
She baptizes with words
Midwife to me
Pruner of thorny bushes

She is a priest of sorts, hearing
My confessions, praying for wounds
To heal -- we minister in stories
For us and others

Her letters come, and I read them
Walking to the park -- Northside
And, again at pond's altar
Tree branches make the cross

Knowing she knows is my
Sanctuary -- we walk and
Will nudge each other through
Weddings and funerals celebrating
The simple things in life

by Sally Pelinka Miller

I've been calling my poet-friend during these "lulls in motherhood's deaths and births." And out of this painfully slow "sick-season," a new project is being birthed.

It's another writing opportunity!

The day Sally proposed the idea, I had a dream that I showed up to work, ready to waitress (I work at a dinner theater). And instead of "serving," my supervisor told me I'd be ACTING on stage. I was quickly fitted for a costume, and I kept thinking, "Wow, I actually get to do something CREATIVE!"

All of this reminds me that there's LIFE to be found in the lulls. . .if we just wait. . . and watch. . .praying for the energy to somehow TRUST, EMBRACE and CELEBRATE.

Michael Card's Jesus is the Jubilee

Great song about the Jubilee (related to my last post!) You might want to forward past Michael's introductions of the band.

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