Mother Nature

This morning Rich took the kids so I could have a quiet, much-needed morning to myself.

It was glorious!

I went for a run, listened to some of Mandisa's music, played around on Facebook, and took my coffee outside for a "garden walk."

The plants are so plush and plentiful. I can't keep up with picking the green beans! It amazes me how tenacious nature can be when faced with a shortage of rain, or some nasty fungus that seems to be spreading throughout our overgrown pumpkin patch. By Grace, fruit still persists! Cucumbers, gourds, squash, tomatoes, etc, keep popping up on a regular basis.

There's so much fresh food to enjoy. Rich has breaded and deep-fried squash for the family. He's also concocted various cucumber and green bean salads. The cherry tomatoes are eaten like candy.

Even the squirrels have been feasting on our sunflowers, bending over tall stalks and salvaging seeds, most likely saving them for a winter treat.

Last spring, while we were planting the garden, my thoughts raced forward to when we could SHARE the fruits it would bear. Yesterday, new neighbors moved into the duplex next door. . .the same small space in which we lived for so long. I can't wait to bring them a bouquet of sunflowers and a welcome basket from our recent harvest.

What a joy to luxuriate in God's long-awaited plenty, savoring Mother-Nature goodness.

John 15:1, 4, 5 "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. . . Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing."

My ebullient friend Jeni (right), and her best friend Amanda (left), painted the inside of our house yesterday! The living room is now "brown bread," (the color of the wall behind them) And Jennifer's room is chocolate brown and pink!

Friends of mine from the dinner theater have said they are simply shocked that somebody "offered" to paint for us. With amazement they say, "It's such a big job. We can't believe somebody would do that for you!"

Yes, it WAS a big job, vaulted ceilings and all, and our cup is overflowing with gratefulness for these two generous, gifted, life-giving women! Another amazing part of the story is that these gals are friends from highschool, and we found each other again on Facebook!

Although the paint job is not quite finished (we still have a hallway and foyer to paint), enough is done that I can show you "before and after" pictures! Jeni and Amanda have literally painted their generosity onto the walls of our home. We know their open-handedness will color our days for years to come. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Amanda and Jeni!

And thanks be to God for showing himself through the faces of our friends!





From Famine to Feast

For several weeks now, I've been searching for words to describe the inner and outer transformations we are experiencing. How can a butterfly describe the gift of wings when for so long it has lived earthbound? By God's mercy, my family has come through 7 years of "famine." We're now in a season of "feast." Feast in the sense that God's provisions have been overflowing and abundant--evident in profound and pronounced ways!

Rich and I have experienced a renewal of love for each other. Sixteen years of marriage and the "spark" is still there! And the way we see God handling little details of our lives together (financial and otherwise) has stimulated much shared prayer and joyful thanksgiving.

For me, Ecclesiastes 3 comes to mind frequently:

"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven-- A time to give birth, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted. . .a time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to dance. . . A time to search, and a time to give up as lost. . . ."

When we filed for bankruptcy in January, we had "given up as lost."It was the appointed time. And now God is guiding us through and to our Second Chance!

There have been blessings on this journey too numerous to count. One simple but surprising example is the fact that Rich came home from work today with a digital camera; a gift from his employer for a "job well done." We've been without a functioning camera for more than a year. And it feels like Sean has grown out of toddler-hood without any way to "freeze-frame" those precious memories.

But now I'm camera-happy! The first thing I did was run outside and begin taking pictures of our new abode, thinking "Now I can SHOW people some of the gifts we are experiencing!"

When words fail, sometimes pictures can paint the emotional landscape of our hearts:

Our split level, 3 bedroom home. We're renting with the option to own!

A view of the backyard from the side yard. We're sitting on approx. 1/2 acre!

We love the over-sized deck!

My friend Rayna came over a week before we moved and helped us plant a garden! It was her housewarming gift to us! I am so grateful, because I could not have done it without her help (I mean financially, AND because I have no clue!) We planted green beans, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, a variety of peppers, squash, and pumpkins!

The kids have had a blast watching things grow, and eating homegrown food! Ryker's checking out our first large pumpkin!

Dwarf sunflowers line the south end of the garden! (Aren't my little son-flowers growing fast too?)

This is one of three perennial beds the former owner planted in the yard. (We need rain!) My biblestudy group gifted the stone cross to celebrate our long-awaited move! It was exactly what I would have picked out for myself! And I was so touched by the meaningful gesture!

My garden-guru friend Rayna also gave us furniture from her front room. (They plan to buy new.) Then, my dear friend Margie provided resources to start making this home our own! New slipcovers, a rug, and a tv stand for the living room! And that's not all! A friend from highschool offered to come over on the 15th to paint our walls a more neutral color! Three more amazing provisions from God! Isn't that cool?

Ryker and Sean share a room. Eventually we'll get this room looking more cozy and color coordinated! The boys want a baseball theme of course! Sean's twin bed was a gift from Grandma and Grandpa for his 4th Birthday! Yeah!

Jennifer is cherishing the privacy of her own room! My sister gave Jen the adorable comforter, and my mom and dad bought her the funky lamp. The lava lamp was a great find from a garage sale! Jennifer picked out chocolate brown and pale pink paint colors for the walls. . . .to be painted on the 15th!

I's God's perogative to give and to take away but no matter what the season, his name is BLESSED! Blessed be his name! Rich and I praise Our Provider for this long-awaited season of plenty! We're laughing, dancing, and gathering stones for an altar of praise!

We feel like we're wearing a coat of many colors!

Thank you Jesus for all you've chosen to give!

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